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A product review can be added by any visitor of the website who has a personal experience with the product. However, we only actively encourage the customers who have purchased the product on our e-shop to give a review.
  • Jakub G. 4. 3. 2023
  • Luís A. 18. 10. 2022
  • Jesse M. 17. 10. 2022
  • John O. 14. 10. 2022
    My number 1 choice when it comes to trail running and obstacle course racing. Tested during numerous Spartan Races. The grip is ingredible and it won't let you down when you go uphill as well as downhill. The construction of the shoe makes it easy to precisely navigate throguh the terrain. Fortified front of the shoe protects your feet against rocks.
  • Markku T. 27. 9. 2022